Cycling Accident Claims
Did you know that each year, an average of almost 40 cyclists are killed and more than 1,000 suffer high-threat-to life injuries on Australian public roads. These statistics do not count the thousand of others who are injured in cycling accidents each day. In Australia bicycle sales now outstrip motor vehicle sales annually. As more and more people are turning to bicycle riding for health and transport needs, improving the safety of cyclists is a priority.
If you have suffered an accident as a cyclist you may be able to claim. The types of losses (both past and future) that can be made include:
out of pocket and medical expenses
rehabilitation expenses
loss of income
assistance around the home
pain and suffering
We have unique experience with our Principal having worked in the insurance industry for 20 years and therefore he understands the approach taken by large insurers in the management and settlement of claims. Our expert experience will ensure you receive the appropriate advice about your prospects of making a claim and more importantly the correct compensation.
We pride ourselves on our personal service and your claim will be managed by our Principal, and not a paralegal. You will be kept fully informed at all times as to the process of your claim.
Have you or your loved ones been injured in a accident. Reveal Legal can help. The earlier you contact us for your free consultation the earlier we can protect you. Complete the form below for your initial free no obligation consultation and start protecting your rights today.